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New York State Society of Sleep Medicine


Board and Committees
What is Sleep Medicine?
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Calender of Events
Jobs and Certifications
Research Opportunities
Sleep Medicine Fellowship
Sleep Centers In NYS
Patient Advocacy
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Officers, Board of Directors and Committees

President:  Michael Thorpy MD            [email protected]

Past President:  Dan Rifkin MD            [email protected]

Secretary: Claude Albertario RPSGT     [email protected]

Treasurer: Dan Rifkin MD                     [email protected]


Harly Greenberg MD                      [email protected]

Neil Kavey MD                              [email protected]
David Rapoport MD                        [email protected]

Aaron Sher MD                            [email protected]

Michael Weinstein MD                   [email protected]
Gary Zammit PhD                          [email protected]



Academic Affairs: Renee Monderer (Chair) [email protected], Imran Ahmed, Mathew Ebben

The Academic Affairs committee is concerned with issues regarding academic sleep medicine education in medical schools, fellowship training programs, and college polysomnographic training programs. The aim is to understand the extent of these programs in NY State, to enhance their activities, and ensure that the highest national standards are applied.


Awards:Daniel Rifkin, [email protected] , Michael Thorpy 

The awards committee is responsible for awarding appropriate recognition to members who have served the NYSSSM or who have contributed outstanding services to the NYSSSM.


Education:Jack Horng (Chair) [email protected], John Freeman, Donald Greenblatt, Heather Commora,

Brendan Duffy, Claude Albertario, Eveline Honig

The education committee is responsible for producing education activities for the NYSSSM, disseminating information about educational activities of interest to sleep medicine clinicians in NYS and will organize the annual education meeting of the NYSSSM.


Health Policy:Dan Rifkin (Chair) [email protected], Neil Kavey, Claude Albertario, Ana Krieger

The aim of the Health Policy Committee is to advocate for pertinent NYS legislation as it pertains to sleep-related issues. Another important role will be to inform the Board of Directors of both federal and NYS sleep-related legislation that may affect the patient or professional.


Jobs and Certifications:David Adamo [email protected] 

The Jobs and Vacancies section of the NYSSSM website will post requests both for staff needed for employment related to the practice of sleep medicine, as well as positions sought. In addition, requests for subjects needed for research studies will also be posted in a separate section. The section will post descriptions of employment opportunities and training requirements for professional and other positions in sleep medicine.


Membership:Shelby Harris (Chair) [email protected], Malinda Collins, Michael Thorpy

The Membership Committee is responsible for increasing the membership of the NYSSSM, collecting annual dues and maintaining an online membership directory. The committee will ensure the retention of members by reviewing and updating the benefits of membership to help grow the membership and society as a whole.


Newsletter Committee:Patricia Murphy (Chair) [email protected], Shelby Harris, Eric Hanna

The committte will be responsible for creating a newsletter at appropriate intervals to inform the memebrship of the activities of the committees and information of professional interest to the memebrship.


Nominating: Daniel Rifkin [email protected], Neil Kavey, Michael Thorpy

This committee shall be charged with submitting, after ratification by a majority of the Board of Directors, a slate of new directors to the annual meeting of the membership.


Patient Advocacy: Meeta Goswami (Chair) [email protected], Neomi Shah,

The patient advocacy committee will formulate policy for the rights of persons with sleep disorders in the areas of education, work, and entitlements. The committee will examine current laws in these areas, offer revisions, and correspond with state agencies to implement these policies so that people with sleep disorders may secure their rights and privileges.


Practice: Harly Greenberg (Chair) [email protected] , Michael Weinstein

The Practice Committee will review guidelines from national medical and governmental organizations regarding the practice of sleep medicine and inform the membership of changes. Sleep medicine policy from regional third party payers will be reviewed to assess consistency with national guidelines.  A registry will be maintained of accredited sleep centers, board certified sleep specialists in New YorkState.


Professional Relations: Antonio Culebras (Chair) [email protected], Becky Scott, Ana Krieger

The Professional Relations Committee of NYSSSM is charged with establishing liaisons and opening working avenues with state, national and international organizations interested in sleep medicine. The Committee will seek collaboration with other societies in areas of clinical practice, education, research, professional organization and legislation that are relevant to sleep medicine.


Reimbursement: Omar Burschtin (Chair) [email protected], Jay Enden,  Gurmit Gil, David Appel, Ken Plotkin,

Thomas Kilkenny

The Reimbursement committee is responsible for reviewing New YorkState sleep medicine reimbursement policies and ensuring appropriate sleep policies for patients and practicing physicians.


Research: David Rapoport (Chair) [email protected], Gary Zammit.

The Research Committee is responsible for collecting and disseminating information about current research activities in Sleep Medicine occurring in New YorkState, advocating for increased activity and funding of research in sleep, and acting as a clearing house for exchange of opportunities between members of the NYSSSM for research activities.


Technologist:Claude Albertario (Chair) [email protected] , Brendan Duffy, Lore Schaffner, Mark Cassidy, Barbara Ludwig-Cull

The Technologists Committee will review guidelines from national and governmental organizations regarding the technologists role in the practice of sleep medicine and inform the Board of significant changes.  The Technologists Committee will be informed of relevant educational programs, and a registry will be maintained of those individuals performing sleep testing in New York State.

 Website:Imran Ahmed (Chair) [email protected]Claude Albertario, Michael Weinstein, David Adamo

The website committee is responsible for the creation, maintenance and current update of the NYSSSM website.